Friday, March 27, 2020

1:43 Garage43 Benetton B193 Michael Schumacher First Win in F1

After collecting a number of BBR Ferrari F1s of Michael Schumacher, I felt the need to acquire Michael's Benetton F1 models. At that time, the only alternative was a 1:43 minichamps version with figure but the quality was below that of BBR. I researched for a BBR Michael Schumacher Benettons but only found the B194 Spain and B195. For this reason, I commissioned Laurent Tay of Garage43 to build me this special model: B193 Portuguese GP.

Quality of the paint was exceptional. Others might not like the clear coat over decals on this model but personally I prefer it this way to protect the decals and paint. I have models which resemble the real car more and not too shiny because of the lack of clear coat but I'm concerned that decals might lift in the future.

Based from a Tameo kit. I like the tobacco livery on this model. Unfortunately tobacco liveries have been banned probably to protect kids from smoking. I'm not sure if FIA or whatever regulatory body had conducted a scientific study that proved a direct correlation between tobacco advertisement and smoking on young adults.

Laurent's builds are always very clean. For sure, his models have more details than a factory built BBR or MR. For example, in this model a custom seat belt was used.

 I like the carbon base which contrast that of the bright color of the F1 car. There was a time when I planned to have all my Schumi's F1s to be built by Laurent.  The quality to price ratio was hard to beat but the frequent delays on the finish date (and one time even cancelation of the project after months of waiting) of the models were too much to bear.  For this reason, I've decided to look for other professional builders and source my models from other auction sites such as Ebay and Yahoo Japan.

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