Tuesday, April 23, 2019

1:43 Momo Factory Ferrari Dino 206 P Japanese Builders Part 2: Kazuhiko Momose

It is widely accepted that the master model builders of Japan are the best in the world when it comes to assembling 1:43 model cars. Kazuhiko Momose is one of these elite professional builders. Personally, I rank him in the top 2 in the world. I know this is subjective but if we would consider price as the determinant, Momose's models are the second most expensive. I read that he makes additional parts from scratch such as headlights, wheels, rear light, among others.

After seeing this model for sale at website store based in Europe, I wasn't sure if I'll get the item for a number of reasons. Firstly, at that time I was also thinking of acquiring another model by a top Japanese builder. Secondly, some experienced collectors believe that it might be better to have a model assembled from a mediocre kit (e.g. Starter) which would offer a greater challenge to the builder and eventually more details to the model. In other words, model will be appreciated more if a simple kit was used to make a truly exceptional model. This would involve a lot of scratch building, modifications and of course more time consuming. Lastly, the price is high considering this model is closed. Is it worth it?

Based from a Le Phoenix kit (France). I'm a big admirer of the AMR and Le Phoenix brand. Ever since I bought my first AMR 250 GTO model a few years ago, I became hooked to this brand and tried to limit my acquisitions on these 2 brands. For this reason, I've decided that I should have a Le Phoenix kit built by a top Japanese master builder. Furthermore, I like the weight of models built from white metal kit. I don't know, whenever I inspect these models, I feel like that they are more durable and valuable. This may be due to the fact that their 1:1 counterparts were built using the same material (or at least close to the real material). 

The model is as perfect as can be with its clean assembly, painting and extra details. With all the positive things I can say about the model, it is an instinct to look for the flaws which I had trouble finding. 

The Dino 206 S is arguably one of the best looking Ferrari of all time. It is sometimes referred to as the baby Ferrari P3. Good thing I found a picture showing the interior of the model. Otherwise, I won't be able to appreciate the beauty and details of the dashboard. Going back to the question if this model was worth it, I would definitely say yes.